(talks & exhibitions)

© Michelle Mantel


Pop-up exhibition at Futurium Berlin 

Exhibition of Workshop results,  in Kooperation mit dem Berliner Exzellenzcluster »Matters of Activity« und CollActive Materials.

Sommerpavilion der Kreativwirtschaft

Build: Popticum has realised a summer pavilion for Kreativbund in Berlin, 2024 

In collaboration with ARGE:3000, with a landscape architecture by Prinzessinengärten. Client: Kompetenzzentrum für Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes, U-Institut

Open Lab Abend @ FUTURIUM

Hands-On Workshop MATERIALZUKÜNFTE BESUCHEN Smartes Material für überhitzte Städte

Workshopreihe in Kooperation mit dem Berliner Exzellenzcluster »Matters of Activity« und CollActive Materials im Futurium.

Architectured Materials Across Scales

Moderation, short presentation

The workshop includes renowned international speakers, as well as researchers from the Max Planck Institute in Potsdam, the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Actvity« as well as the weissensee school of art and design berlin.

Open Space – Active Matter on Stage

»Matters of Activity« is opening its doors during Berlin Science Week. The research project Architectural Yarns is part of the new Cluster showroom “Aktivarium”.
Image: dieangewandte

Soft assemblies

Workshop with Lorenz Kuschnig / Popticum

Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Textil - Freie, angewandte und experimentelle künstlerische Gestaltung, Prof. Ebba Fransén Waldhör, Manora Auersperg, Walter Lunzer, Kristoffer Stefan

Peer Review for Textile Intersections Conference

TEXTILE INTERSECTIONS is a four-day conference, doctoral consortium and exhibition organized by Loughborough University, in collaboration with the Royal College of Art, London, University of Borås, Sweden and Elisava, Barcelona, Spain.

The conference will take place at Loughborough University London Campus  between 20-23 of September 2023.

© William Veder
Inaugeration of Summer Pavillion

Build: Popticum has realised a summer pavilion for Kreativbund in Berlin, 2023

In collaboration with ARGE:3000 & Kristin Lazarova, with a landscape architecture by Johanna Bendlin. Client: Kompetenzzentrum für Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes

Textile Gestures: Mapping Tactile Practices with Architectural Yarns

with Maja Avnat

Hands-on workshop within Bauhaus Study Rooms “Design­Acts: Gestures of Performative Research”, Hochschule Anhalt / Bauhaus Dessau, 2023

How do sensory and mechanical properties of a material interrelate and shift when processed manually? How can tactile knowledge influence performative research?

Book Release: Architectures of Weaving /From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins

Christiane Sauer / Mareike Stoll / Ebba Fransén Waldhör / Maxie Schneider (Hg.) Jovis Verlag

Addressing today’s urgent energetic and environmental challenges, the book explores new approaches for resilient and adaptable material systems by examining the boundaries between softness and rigidity, material and shape, and functionality and structure. ︎︎︎more

Designlab  #13: Material legacies

Initiated by the »Architectural Yarns« Research Group at the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity. Image Space Material«, the Workshop FIBROUS EXCHANGE revisits the Work Exotica III by Ritzi Jacobi and takes inspiration for a transdisciplinary exchange between textile design, materials science and architecture.

Daoula Sheen

Architectural Yarns by Iva Rešetar, Maxie Schneider, Josephine Shone and Christiane Sauerare exhibited as part of the exposition Dahoula Sheen.

Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin from November 18, 2022, to April 29, 2023. 

DAOULA — SHEEN, Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity. Image Space Material« , Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, funded by the DFG. Curated by Laurence Douny, Karin Krauthausen, and Felix Sattler with a film installation by Thabo Thindi.

Talk at Design Modelling Symposium Berlin

ADAPTEX – Physical and Digital Prototyping of Smart Textile Sun Shading

Maxie Schneider & Paul Denz

Fieldwork: Adaptex at GUTech, Oman

In summer  2022 the Adaptex team realised two adaptive façades - with a size of 1.2 by 7.5 metres - at the EcoHouse of the German University of Technology in Muskat, Oman.

Exhibition Design Lab #13 Material Legacies

04.11.2022 bis 05.03.2023

The Design Lab #13 exhibition „Material Legacies“, developed in cooperation with design researchers from the Matters of Activity. Image Space Material Cluster of Excellence at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, explores contingencies and disruptions between traditional crafts and most recent developments at the interface of materials research, design, technology and architecture.

The project "Architectural Yarns" by Iva Rešetar, Maxie Schneider, Josephine Shone, Christiane Sauer is part of the exhibition.

Innovation Award  - The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH)

2022 Award for Innovation

Project: Adaptex, Priedemann Facade-Lab + Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin  

Talk and Workshop at Bauwende Festival 2022

On Friday, May 27, 2022, 2 p.m., MoA members Maxie Schneider, Jojo Shone and Lorenzo Guiducci will offer a workshop on Structural Paper as part of this year's Bauwendefestival in Berlin.

The »Structural Paper« workshop playfully explores the potential of paper as a building material for constructing interwoven structures. By simply interleaving sheets of paper, we can construct connections that hold only through friction.

Zumtobel Group Award

Nomenee Special Prize for Innovation


2021, Berlin, Germany

Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin + Priedemann Facade-Lab with DXM – Design Experiment Material / Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology/ Carl Stahl ARC GmbH, / Verseidag-INDUTEX GmbH / ITP GmbH / SGS Engineering GmbH / imesh, Deutschland

Talk at XCAMP

kinetic responsive surfaces for architecture

Schneider M. Fransén Waldhör E.,

Wo lassen sich hybride adaptive Oberflächen (interaktive /autonome Systeme) einsetzen?
Welche Anwendungsszenarien und Einsatzgebiete verbinden sich mit verschiedenen Arten der Bewegung von Oberflächen, etwa im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz, der Datenanalyse oder im Designprozess?

Symposium: Textile Potentials in Architecture

Denz, P.-R., Sauer, C., Fransén Waldhör, E., Schneider, M., & Suwanapuk, N.,
Adaptex Symposium "Textile Potentials in Architecture", on Friday, November 26th,

Aachen Dreden Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Best-Poster Award 2021

Fransén Waldhör E., Schneider M., Vongsingha P., Boxberger L., Sauer C., Denz P.R.: Weißensee School of Art and Design, DXM - Design and Experimental Material Research) Priedemann Facade-Lab GmbH, Fraunhofer IWU, ADAPTEX – Adaptive textile shading system for facades with integrated shape memory alloy (SMA)

Talk at WÆ – woman from arts to engineering

Schneider, M., “Architecture in motion – Adaptive textiles between light and shadow.”,  WÆ:sf – women from arts to engineering for a sustainable future, Tu Berlin, Virtual. 7 Otober 2021.

Symposium Architectures of Weaving

Virtual event with contributions by: Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Svenja Keune, Petra Gruber, Felecia Davis, Elaine Igoe, Karin Krauthausen, Regine Hengge, Christiane Sauer, Maxie Schneider, Ebba Fransén Waldhör

Roundtable peers: Jörg Petruschat, Lorenzo Guiducci, Karola Dierichs, Alwin Cubasch
Moderators: Bastian Beyer, Mareike Stoll

The event is organizied by Matters of Activity and weißensee school of art and design.

Installation at 48 h Neukölln 2021

Popticum creates the space Filteroase - Kollektive Komfortzone at Nachbarschaftscampus Dammweg

Workshop at New Matrerialist Informatics Conference 2021

"Constraints as chance. On ontological prospects of material, instrumental and operational boundary conditions from design to science"

Frank Bauer, Maxie Schneider, Cluster of Excellence "Matters of Activity. Image Space Material", HU Berlin, Germany

Keynote Lecture at Interzum 2021

Keynote lecture of our ongoing Research project ADAPTEX – shading system with shape-memory materials. At interzum@home Event Green Smart Materials presented by HAUTE INNOVATION.

Talk at DGTF Conference 2021

We will be presenting the project ADAPTEX on the DGTF Conference Material Trajectories - Designing with Care in the strand Performative Surfaces.

Schneider, M., Fransén Waldhör, E., ADAPTEX. Adaptivity in Textile Solar Shading Membranes Through the Integration of Shape Memory Alloys, Panel Presentation at Conference. »Material Trajectories. Designing with Care« – 17th Annual Conference of German Society for Design Theory and Research (DGTF), Virtual. 7 May 2021.

Talk at Curvobio Conference 2021

Maxie Schneider, "Shape Memory Textiles for Adaptive Facades" at the Curvobio Conference 

New European Bauhaus Nominee

“The Arch" is nominated a role model for Participatory Building Strategies by the new European Bauhaus.

Diversity Syposium 2021

On the occasion of the international women's day on 08.03.21 the women's advisory board of the KHB invites to a mini-symposium on perspectives of female measures in art, design and technology. Our guests Renata Kutinka, Marie Dietze and Fem_arc collective will give insights into their work on social, technological and cultural issues.

Maxie Schneider, Rena Onat, Stefanie Rau, weißensee school of art and design berlin

Magic Circle - Symposium

Monopol-Talk 2021

Utopien in der Krise: Wie wollen wir leben

Conversation on Utopia - ideas from architecture, design and technology with Friedrich von Borries and Ji-Hun Kim, Julia Lohmann and Maxie Schneider.  moderated by Elke Buhr, Silke Hohmann and Saskia Trebing.

Dutch Design Week

Adaptex presented at Dutch Design Week 2020

weißensee school of art and design berlin.

Natural High-tech

Workshop on natural high-tech fibrous materials 2020 at STFI Chemnitz

Workshop on natural high-tech fibrous materials and their innovation potential. At the interface between design and materials science, the NF-HighTech+ project is about pushing technological boundaries by utilising resource-saving natural fibers for technical high-performance applications and making them fit for concrete industrial applications.

Acadia Conference 2020

Paper presentation

“Adaptive textile façades through the integration of Shape Memory Alloy” presented by Ebba Fransén Waldhör and Maxie Schneider in the session "Prototyping, Composites and Self organising Material Systems".

ICSA Conference Lisbon 2019

Experimental Design and Building of a Cable Reinforced Plastic Brick Arch

Maxie Schneider, Sebastien Tripod (Constuctlab), Lieven Tone Houdmont (Mouton Engineering, Jan Belis (Ghent University, Laboratory for Research on Structural Models (LMO)
Photography: Tiago Casanova

Bienale Maja/Portugal

Handle with Air

Popticum colllective: M.Schneider, L. Skafte, M. Dietze, E. Vogler

Residency Paris 2019

Project: Hemisphere, 2019

Maxie Schneider

Invited by the Architecture Collective Yes we Camp I conducted a two month residency to construct an inflatable pavillion to activate a rooftop at Les Grands Voisins.

Design Modelling Symposium Paris 2017

PNEU&SHELL: Constructing Free-Form Concrete Shells with a Pneumatic Formwork

Schneider, M.

Conference Paper published in Humanizing Digital Reality, Design Modelling Symposium Paris 2017 Herausgeber: de Rycke, K., Gengnagel, C., Baverel, O., Burry, J., Mueller, C., Nguyen, M.M., Rahm, P., Thomsen, M.R. (Eds.)